How does NumberCruncher Handle Sub-Contractors/Processes?

How does NumberCruncher Handle Sub-Contractors/Processes?

All Orders 3.X
All Orders 2.X

Yes, NumberCruncher Work Orders can track sub-contractors/processes.

It is recommended that you use non-inventory part, service or other charge items to track sub-contractors.  If you have not created the items do so as follows:

  1. Create an Item (e.g. Subcontract) it should be either a non-inventory part, service or other charge.

  2. If you create it in QuickBooks, check the 'This service is performed by a sub-contractor, owner or partner'.

  3. Enter a cost, the cost should estimate actual cost that will be charged. You may want to create multiple items for each type of process.

  4. Select the income account and expense accounts (e.g. sub-contract labor)

  5. Include the item as a component in bill of materials as appropriate.

When you create a work order you will note that the component is 'Incomplete'.   When the sub-contract is completed - you change the status of the component to 'Complete'.  When you change the status of the work order to finished,  the cost will be deducted (credited) from the indicated expense account and included in the cost of your finished product.

In a perfect world these the expense account should be zero.

If the account is positive means that either a) you have entered a bill of the sub-contract but have not yet finished production or b) the Cost amount on the item is too low. If the account is negative means that either a) you have finished production but have not yet entered a bill of the sub-contract or b) the Cost amount on the item is too high.


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